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2016-05-11 23:19:13
(South Africa)
This is fantastic! Thanks
Brent Hedrick
2016-05-09 22:23:38
(United States)
How have I missed this all this time?? Thanks for doing the work it's beautiful \2+2=5\
2016-05-05 23:09:56
(United States)
This is an all time great project. Thanks.

Only issue is your stop spam question, 2+2=....clearly the answer is 5.
K. Wood
2016-04-26 23:07:34
(United States)
One of the best concerts of all time! Thanks so much for recording this for all the fans! I'll never stop listening to this.
2015-11-18 14:36:16
2015-11-18 01:31:36
kiubo otra vez
2015-10-09 15:55:45
(Korea, Republic of)
Amazing, thanks!
Tim R
2015-08-10 12:02:06
(United Kingdom)
Thanks to everyone involved. Love this and it is fantastic to have such a cool band around that contributed to this.
2015-06-13 22:25:19
(United Kingdom)
Every Radiohead fan should watch this at least once. A fantastic project that utilises camera angles that are as dynamic and energetic as the band itself. Truly an inspired way to watch Radiohead live.
teman jalal
2015-04-19 09:39:28
this is totally cool! bring capitalism down, people power!
2015-01-20 17:00:30
(Czech Republic)
I have two unused tickets to this concert, because I was in hospital during this event. It was very nice and emotional surprise to discover this project. Thank you very much!
2014-12-28 13:45:40
Thank you very much for making such a good work!!! it's fantastic to have such hardworking fans on board. thank you!!!
2014-12-24 00:38:32
Well done! Thank you very much. An original and different point of view of an awesome show.

Roy Rattlehead
2014-12-03 06:29:18
Little things like this make life much more greater, really thank you guys for this
Ryan A
2014-10-30 17:18:53
(United States)
Thanks for all the hard work your team put into this - great job!
2014-10-27 06:24:57
Gracias por el aporte, impresionante, Readiohead por siempre
Marco Limon
2013-11-29 02:33:38
So great!!
2013-11-11 01:15:09
buen material
2013-10-10 16:22:35
Amazing work. thanks
2013-07-16 20:51:42
thank you. this is great work
Shadow Hawk
2013-07-16 11:31:59
Simply great...
2013-04-01 20:03:07
Very good setlist, high quality audio and video.
Thank you all for giving us this concert and free
2013-04-01 20:01:21
Muy buen setlist,muy buena calidad de audio y video.
Gracias a todos por darnos este concierto y lo mejor gratis
2013-03-31 16:33:31
Thank you SOOO much for your work!
Frank Hewson
2013-03-31 04:52:05
Astonishing!! This is definitively the way to do it. What a great job and what a kind group of people are this band by helping you with those masters... I am really surprised to know such a humble and fan-caring band exists.
Eduardo Oyarzun
2013-03-29 08:11:19
Many thanks for the efort and the good quality. You're true fans, i love this work.
2013-03-08 10:37:14
(Russian Federation)
Where can i download audio version?
2013-01-12 19:05:54
(United States)
this project is amazing. thanks to everyone involved, you really did a fantastic job. radiohead has been my favorite band ever since i first saw them live (cleveland 2001). i don't know, but i think it is a spiritual experience. they are truly amazing and they only get better.
2012-12-31 11:38:20
(Czech Republic)
Although I am from the Czech Republic I missed this concert.
Thank you for sharing the experience.
richard bahar
2012-12-31 11:30:30
Thanks for the purpose of offering this sort of superior subject matter.
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