Page 18
jehu santis
2010-09-13 02:47:31
gracias radiohead y los q partciparon en ella a todos los fanaticos. congrotulation
BT Cassidy
2010-09-13 01:31:52
Thank you so much for this- tomorrow night, a group of about fifty of us are sitting down to watch the gig, and it'll be the next best thing to being there, surrounded by a community of like minded people who have come together for the simple pleasure of enjoying music, no ego's no anger, no judgement; people drawn together for a simple pleasure- thank you again.
2010-09-13 01:05:13
Guys this work is wonderfull and unveliavable... I'm really exited for this... Thanks!!! I really wants to view a live show coming soon in Southamerica
2010-09-12 23:10:56
You guys made me feel the same way as when I saw them the last time :) Radiohead fans are the most coolest and most thoughtful human beings. I totally enjoyed this...
Great work!
Great work!
2010-09-12 20:05:44
(United States)
this just made my week! Many thanks for putting this together. Radiohead - keep up the awesome work!
2010-09-12 19:50:50
Hey fantastico trabajo, muchas gracias!
Espero que pronto liberen la version en Blue-Ray.
Espero que pronto liberen la version en Blue-Ray.
2010-09-12 19:04:42
seriously AWESOME! ^^ great concept and it's so awesome that Radiohead actually took care of the sound files! thanks you guys! I think Radiohead is the only successfull band that is this openminded towards filesharing. It's all about the music! And we pay them some time anyway; by going to their concert to experience this fantastic performance irl, by buying one of the musthave collector's items or simply by donating money because they give us great music. ^^
2010-09-12 18:18:37
Beautiful compilation. You wouldn't see this on a Gaga-concert, now would you?
2010-09-12 17:48:38
Fantastique travail, résultat époustouflant, bravo!
On s'y croit vraiment.
En plus leur prestation est à la hauteur.
On s'y croit vraiment.
En plus leur prestation est à la hauteur.
Felix Andrew
2010-09-12 13:18:24
(United Kingdom)
An unprecedented gig in so many ways. An unprecedented collaboration. Great work.
2010-09-12 12:56:45
(Czech Republic)
Very nice! Really thanks !!!I was there with my wife and son and now again. Is possible to stop time :-) The best quality. Beautiful sound.
2010-09-12 10:36:16
Fantastico trabajo! Y un agradecimiento especial para Radiohead que no solo no puso trabas al proyecto sino que aportó un audio de excelente calidad.
Even Pastrana
2010-09-12 10:32:22
Fantastico trabajo ... Mil Felicidades ...
2010-09-12 02:57:25
Muchas gracias por el excelente trabajo. Espero volverlos a ver por Argentina. Insisto, muchas gracias!!!!!
2010-09-11 20:16:35
A really BIG thank you to the fans who made this and Radiohead
Hélio Sávio
2010-09-11 19:37:20
This band is part of my life. Always made me dream and still so intense in all they do. Just love can thank you for all.
2010-09-11 17:36:36
Excelente trabajo y aporte.
Javier Garcia
2010-09-11 15:48:44
Muchas gracias, Live long Radiohead, Everything in it't right place, Thank you.
Steve Wyckoff
2010-09-11 14:34:04
(United States)
From one big fan to another. Thanks for bringing this to us! Peace and love!
2010-09-11 14:08:05
Thank you!
2010-09-11 11:22:05
Thanks for TPB .torrents, I am finally enjoying MKV version, thank you very much! And people, don't forget to keep seeding for others, thank you too.
2010-09-11 08:05:47
thanks from Ecuador, South America
2010-09-11 06:53:38
(Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Very cool... thanks & lots of love
2010-09-11 06:21:35
salamat radiohead, ang galing nyo mga idol
2010-09-11 05:12:20
Thank you!
Jose L Bossa
2010-09-11 04:12:25
I'm so happy with this, thta I can't believe it.
I saw you in Argentina after waiting for more than 10 years.
You are Incredible!!
I'm so happy with this, thta I can't believe it.
I saw you in Argentina after waiting for more than 10 years.
You are Incredible!!
Fritz Lamaña
2010-09-11 02:17:35
Va ser increible, el dia del meu aniversari... gracies roser.
Visca Catalunya lliure
Visca Catalunya lliure
a generic reality
2010-09-11 00:42:08
(United States)
that is an amazing film
2010-09-10 23:05:41
(United Kingdom)
thankyou radiohead and thankyou all the fans who made this. Your'e all fantastic!!
2010-09-10 22:30:42
(United Kingdom)
"Thanks again to Radiohead." Not the first time I`ve said that. So many times I`ve said it. Love you. Thanks so much.
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